Is there potential in Threads advertising?

The fact that social networks are constantly changing, renewing themselves, creating new platforms and almost being reborn again and again, is something that no longer surprises us. A clear example of this is the latest move by Meta, which is preparing the ground and we already see advertising coming to Threads, its text-based platform that emerged as an alternative to X (formerly Twitter), the success of which we still don’t know.

A little more than a year after its launch, Meta is beginning to shape Threads as its next major advertising showcase. According to industry sources, we will soon be able to start buying advertising space on the platform. Although the details on the integration of these ads are still unclear, the discussion so far has focused more on implementation timelines than on the specific logistics of the advertising sites.

One possibility being explored is the extension of Partnership Ads to Threads. This format, already popular on Instagram and Facebook, allows brands to collaborate with creators, other brands or businesses to execute joint campaigns. This strategy enriches creative possibilities and also maximizes the reach of advertising campaigns.

The Meta platform, manager of Facebook and Instagram ad space, will also include Threads ads, offering brands a wide range of ad formatssuch as images, videos, carousels and collections. Threads is likely to offer new placement options that will align with current offerings, and the first advertising insertions are expected to be prioritized in the main feed, perhaps in the trending and topics section.

Threads’ potential as an advertising platform could be huge, especially considering Meta’s goal of attracting one billion users to the app before introducing ads. Although there is still some way to go to reach this figure, the rapid deployment of the platform could catalyze its growth.

This approach to monetization reflects Meta’s strategy to maximize the volume of ad impressions and expand the surface area available for ads. However, timing is crucial; a premature launch could frustrate existing users, yet launching too late could compromise the financial sustainability of the platform.

As Threads approaches its monetization phaseit is the time for brands and creatives to start considering how this new platform could be integrated into their digital marketing strategies. Early adaptation to new platforms and formats can be a crucial differentiator, especially in such a competitive environment as social media.

April 30, 2024

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