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Cookies Policy


1. Information on the Data Controller

  • Identification of the Responsible
  • Corporate Address and Contact Information
  • Legal Compliance and Obligations

2. Definition and Generic Function of Cookies

  • 2.1. What are Cookies?
  • 2.2. Types of Cookies according to the Length of Time They Remain Active
  • 2.3. Types of Cookies according to the Entity that Manages Them
  • 2.4. Types of Cookies according to their Purpose
  • 2.5. Cookies Exempted from Compliance

3. Information on the Type of Cookies Used and their Purpose

  • Detail of Cookies Used in
  • Examples and Descriptions of Cookies

4. Third Party Services

  • 4.1. Integration with Third Party Platforms
  • 4.2. User Orientation
  • 4.3. Privacy and Cookie Considerations
  • 4.4. Commitment from

5. How Long Will We Keep Your Data?

  • Cookie Data Retention Time

6. Accepting, Rejecting or Configuring Cookies

  • 6.1. User Information and Options
  • 6.2. Actions Available to the User

7. How to Modify Cookie Settings

  • 7.1. General Instructions for Cookie Management
  • 7.2. Steps for Common Browsers
  • 7.3. Additional Information and Resources
  • 7.4. Commitment toMio Consulting Business Intelligence with Privacy

8. Stakeholders’ Rights and Further Information on Data Protection

  • Link to Privacy Policy

9. Cookie Policy Update

  • 9.1. Commitment to Updating and Transparency
  • 9.2. Recommendations for Users


This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies that store and retrieve information when you browse. In this Cookie Policy, we explain what cookies are, what they are used for, and how you can configure and/or disable them if you wish. In addition, we indicate what types of cookies are used, and for what purpose, by the company Mio Consulting Inteligencia de Negocio SLU responsible for the website through which you have accessed this Cookies Policy (the “Website”), and which is duly identified:


Mio Consulting Inteligencia de Negocio SLU – CIF B88546015- (Hereinafter Mio Consulting Inteligencia de Negocio)

Tax domicile:

Alfonso XI, 3. 28014, Madrid (Madrid), Spain


Alfonso XI, 3. 28014, Madrid (Madrid), Spain


Tel. +34 911 93 88 87 – Email:

Registration data:

Madrid Mercantile Registry, Volume 40070, Book 0, Folio 1, Section 8 Page M-711896


Consulting and advice on business direction and management, business and marketing advisory and consulting services, as well as all types of business intelligence services.

This cookie policy has been created to comply with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), and with the various guidelines published by the competent supervisory authorities in this matter.

The legal obligations imposed by the regulations are two, the obligation to:

  • transparency that Mio Consulting Inteligencia de Negocio complies with by informing by means of the present cookies policy and
  • the obligation to obtain consentconsent through the pop-up banner that popped up when you first accessed


2.1.-What are cookies?

Cookies are fundamental in the digital age for the functionality and improvement of the experience on websites and online platforms. Here we explain their nature, purpose and use in the context of our website.

Nature of Cookies:

  • Definition: Cookies are small text files that websites store in the user’s browser. They are created when a user visits a website, online store, intranet, online platform or similar.
  • Functionality: They allow the website to remember user actions and preferences, such as login, language, font size, and other display settings.

Purposes and Benefits:

  • Variety of Uses: Cookies can serve multiple purposes, including:
  • User recognition: Facilitate user identification and personalization on successive visits.
  • Analysis of Browsing Habits: Collect information about the user’s browsing preferences and behaviors.
  • Content Customization: Adjust the presentation of content according to the user’s preferences and needs.
  • Practical Example: A user visiting an online store can benefit from cookies that remember their shopping cart, viewing preferences and previously visited products.

Use of Cookies by Mio Consulting Business Intelligence:

  • Specific Application: In section 3 of this policy, we will specifically detail how Mio Consulting Business Intelligence employs these technologies to enhance your experience at

2.2.-Types of cookies according to the length of time they remain active

Understanding the different types of cookies based on their duration is essential to effectively manage privacy and user experience. Here we detail the two main types: session cookies and persistent cookies.

Session Cookies:

  • Temporary Functionality: These cookies are used to collect and store information only for the duration of the user’s visit to the website.
  • Purpose: They allow the storage of information necessary for the provision of services requested on a single occasion. For example, they may retain form data while navigating through different pages of a registration or purchase process.
  • Characteristics: They are automatically deleted when the user closes the browser. This means that they do not keep user data after the user’s session ends.

Persistent Cookies:

  • Extended Duration: Unlike session cookies, these cookies remain on the user’s device for a predefined period, which can vary from minutes to several years.
  • Risks and Benefits: Although persistent cookies may pose greater privacy risks compared to session cookies, their responsible use can provide a more personalized and efficient user experience.
  • Usage Examples: They are useful for remembering user preferences for future visits, such as selected language or configuration options.

Importance of Cookie Management:

  • Compliance with the regulations: The correct categorization and management of these cookies is essential to comply with the guidelines of the AEPD and European control authorities.
  • Focus on Privacy: Measures should be taken to minimize risks to user privacy, especially with the use of persistent cookies, thus ensuring respect for their rights and freedoms.

2.3.-Types of cookies according to the entity that manages them

The classification of cookies according to the entity that manages them is essential to understand how your data is collected and processed. This section explains the difference between first-party (own) cookies and third-party cookies.

First-party or Proprietary Cookies:

  • Definition: These are cookies that are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain managed directly by the website owner/publisher.
  • Purpose and Use: These cookies are often essential to the operation of the website and enable functions such as maintaining the user’s session, remembering language or shopping cart settings.
  • Example: A cookie that saves the user’s design preferences on the owner’s website.

Third Party Cookies:

  • Definition: Are those sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain that is not managed by the website owner/publisher, but by another entity.
  • Common Use: These cookies are often used for analytics, advertising and behavioral tracking purposes on different sites.
  • Example: A cookie from an advertising platform that tracks user activity across multiple websites to deliver personalized ads.

Special Considerations:

  • Third Party Cookies Managed by the Holder: Even if the cookies are installed from the domain of the holder, if the information collected is managed by a third party, these cookies are considered third-party cookies.
  • Transparency and Consent: It is crucial to inform users about the use of third-party cookies and obtain their consent in accordance with data protection regulations.

2.4.-Types of cookies according to their purpose

The use of cookies can have several purposes, each tailored to specific needs and to improve the user experience on a website. The following describes the main types of cookies based on their purpose:

Technical Purposes:

  • Description: These cookies are essential for the technical functioning of a website or application. They facilitate the user’s navigation and the use of different options or services.
  • Examples of use: Control traffic, identify sessions, make online purchases, manage payments, or count visits for software license billing.
  • Importance: They are fundamental to the operability and security of online services.


  • Description: They allow to personalize the user’s experience on the website by remembering specific preferences.
  • Examples of use: Selecting the language, configuring the appearance of the service according to the browser or region.
  • Regulatory Exceptions: These cookies may be exempted from certain obligations if they are used exclusively for the preferences chosen by the user.

Analysis or Performance:

  • Description: Used to analyze user behavior and improve the efficiency of the website or application.
  • Usage Examples: Measure website activity, make improvements based on user usage analysis.
  • Impact on Service Improvement: They help to understand how users interact with the website, enabling user-driven improvements.

Behavioral Advertising:

  • Description: These cookies track browsing habits to deliver personalized advertising.
  • Usage Examples: Create a profile based on the user’s browsing habits to display relevant ads.
  • Privacy Considerations: Their use requires careful and transparent management due to user privacy implications.

2.5.-Cookies exempted from regulatory compliance

It is necessary to note that cookies used for any of the following purposes are exempt from compliance with the obligations established in article 22.2 of the LSSI:

  • Allow only communication between the user’s equipment and the network.
  • Strictly to provide a service expressly requested by the user.

In this sense, the GT29, in its Opinion 4/201211, interpreted that among the exempt cookies would be those that have the purpose of:

  • “User input” cookies(Session and user input cookies are commonly used to track user actions when filling out online forms across multiple pages, or as a shopping cart to track items that the user has selected by clicking a button.)
  • User authentication or identification cookies (session only).
  • User security cookies.(For example, cookies used to detect repeated and erroneous attempts to connect to a website).
  • Media player session cookies.
  • Session cookies for load balancing.
  • User interface customization cookies.
  • Certain plug-in cookies to exchange social content.(The exception only applies to users who have chosen to keep the session open)

Therefore, it can be understood that these cookies are excluded from the scope of application of article 22.2 of the LSSI, and therefore, it would not be necessary to inform or obtain consent for their use.



The website of Mio Consulting Inteligencia de Negocio uses cookies, with the purposes and duration detailed below:

3.1.-Information on international transfers of data to third countries made

You can find out about the transfers to third countries that, if applicable, are made by the third parties identified in this cookie policy in their corresponding policies:


4.1.-Integration with Third Party Platforms:

At Mio Consulting Business Intelligence we understand the importance of digital interaction on various platforms and services. However, it is essential to be aware of the privacy and cookie policies of third parties with whom we interact.

4.2.-Orientation for the Users:

  • Recommendation: For users who visit or interact with our profiles on third-party services, we recommend reviewing the privacy and cookie policies of those services in detail.
  • List of Third Party Services:
    • Facebook: A social platform where we share content and communicate with our followers.
    • Twitter (‘X’): Used for communication and dissemination of news and updates.Specifically detail the purpose of this service.
    • LinkedIn: Used for professional connections and business updates.
    • Instagram: A platform for sharing images and videos, and interacting with the audience.

4.3.-Privacy and Cookie Considerations:

  • Third Party Policies: Each of these services has its own privacy and cookie management policy that may differ from ours.
  • User Responsibility: It is the user’s responsibility to review these policies to understand how their personal data and cookie preferences are handled on these platforms.

4.4.-Commitment of Mio Consulting Business Intelligence:

  • Link to Policies: We provide direct links and directions to access the privacy and cookie policies of these services for easy reference:


  • In the third column of section 3 we detail the shelf life.


6.1.-Information and User Options:

Mio Consulting Business Intelligence is committed to providing users with clear and accessible choices regarding the use of cookies on its website. With each login, relevant information is presented for the user to make informed decisions about the use of cookies.

6.2.-Actions Available to the User:

  • Accept Cookies:
    • Procedure: By selecting ‘Accept’, the cookie notice will not be displayed in future sessions on the website.
    • Additional Consideration: If you accept cookies from third parties, you should delete them through your browser options (indicated in section 7 below) or as provided by the third party.
  • Reject Cookies:
    • Procedure: By choosing ‘Decline’, the cookie warning will not be displayed again during the current session.
    • Implications: This option may limit some functionality of the website.
  • Cookies configuration:
    • Access to Detailed Information: A link or mechanism is provided to access more detailed information about Mio Consulting Inteligencia de Negocio’s cookie policy.
    • Modification of Preferences: You have the ability to adjust, restrict or block cookies at any time, which may affect the functionality of the website.


At Mio Consulting Business Intelligence we understand the importance of offering control and flexibility to our users regarding cookie management. Below, we provide detailed guidance on how you can modify your cookie settings in your browser.

7.1.-General Instructions for Cookie Management:

  • Access Settings: You have the option to restrict, block or delete cookies from Mio Consulting Business Intelligence or any website, through your browser.
  • Help function: Each browser has a different procedure for managing cookies. Use the “Help” function of your browser for specific instructions.

7.2.-Steps for Common Browsers:

  • Internet Explorer
    • Access: Go to ‘Tools’ > ‘Internet Options’ > ‘Privacy’.
    • Settings: Adjust the privacy level according to your preferences.
  • Firefox:
    • Access: Select ‘Options’ > ‘Privacy & Security’.
    • Configuration: Customize cookie and data storage options.
  • Chrome:
    • Access: Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Privacy and security’ > ‘Cookies and other site data’.
    • Settings: Choose to allow, block or delete cookies.
  • Safari:
    • Access: Under ‘Preferences’, select ‘Privacy’.
    • Settings: Manage your cookie and tracking preferences.
  • Opera:
    • Access: Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Advanced Options’ > ‘Privacy & Security’.
    • Configuration: Manage cookies and other site data.

7.3.-Additional Information and Resources:

  • In addition to the built-in help function, you can find online tutorials and guides that provide detailed steps for various browsers.
  • It is important to note that restricting or blocking cookies may affect the functionality of our website and other online services.

7.4.-Commitment of Mio Consulting Business Intelligence with Privacy:

  • We adhere to the guidelines of the AEPD and European supervisory authorities to ensure that our users can easily manage their privacy and data protection.


We refer you to the privacy policy of Mio Consulting Inteligencia de Negocio SLU located in the footer of our website


9.1.-Commitment to Updating and Transparency:

At Mio Consulting Business Intelligence, we are committed to continuous improvement and adaptation to regulatory and technological changes. Therefore, our Cookie Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in cookie usage practices or relevant legislation.

9.2.-Recommendations for the Users:

  • Regular Review: We advise you to review our Cookie Policy each time you visit our website so that you are always informed about how and for what purpose we use cookies.
  • Notification of Changes: While we strive to inform users of significant changes to our policy, regular review of the policy is the best way to keep up to date.

Last update:January 25, 2024